
Duties & Services

Duties & Services

Maryland SILC plays an integral part in the independent living arena. A few services and/or duties which the Council members provide are as follows:

  • Monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of the State Plan for Independent Living;
  • Coordinate activities with the State Rehabilitation Council and other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues;
  • Hold hearings and forums as needed to carry out the duties of the Council; and
  • Other activities the Council may determine appropriate which are consistent with state or federal law and regulation.

State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)

The purpose of the SPIL is to describe how the state’s network of independent living programs and services will meet the independent living needs of persons with disabilities in the state. The plan must address how federal, state and other funds will be used within the state to develop and maintain an IL program.

SPIL 2021-23


Public Hearing notices are offered in both PDF format and as Publisher files.

Public Hearing Information

Public Hearing notices can be located via the website marylandSILC.org, our Facebook page    www.facebook.com/Marylandsilc  or the Maryland Register.

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