Disability Resources
Click here for “Finding Affordable Housing in Maryland: A Guide for People with Disabilities.”
American Association of People with Disabilities
Email: communications@aapd.com
Americans with Disabilities for Attendant Programs Today
Email: adapt@adapt.org
Architectural Transportation Barriers and Compliance Board
(800) 872-2253
Email: info@access-board.gov
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(800)669-6820 (TTY for Deaf/Hard of Hearing callers only)
(844)234-5122 (ASL Video Phone)
Email: info@eeoc.gov
Housing and Urban Development
(808) 457-4694
Independent Living Research and Utilization Project
(713) 520-0232 (Voice/TTY)
Email: ilru@ilru.org
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
877-781-9403 (TTY)
National Council on Disability
Email: ncd@ncd.gov
National Council on Independent Living
toll free: 877.525.3400
tty: 202.207.0340
Email: ncil@ncil.org
National Institute on Rehabilitation and Research
Email: raina.mcdowell@acl.hhs.gov
National Organization on Disabilities
Not Dead Yet
(708) 420-0539
Office of Civil Rights
Email: OCR@ed.gov
Paralyzed Veterans of America
TTY: (800)795-4327
Email: info@pva.org
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Research and Training Center on Independent Living
(785) 864-4095
TTY: (785) 864-0706
Email: rtcil@ku.edu
Ticket To Work – Work Incentives Improvement Act
US Department of Education
US Department of Health and Human Services
Additional Disability Related Resources
Disability Rights Maryland 410-727-6352, Ext. 0, Toll Free 800-233-7201, TTY 410-235-5387; http://disabilityrightsmd.org/ A non-profit organization staffed by attorneys and paralegals. Its mission is to ensure that people with disabilities are accorded the full rights and entitlements afforded to them by state and federal laws.
Blind Industries and Services of MD 410-737- 2600 (Baltimore), Toll Free 888-322-4567; www.bism.org; A non-profit organization that offers rehabilitation, training, and employment opportunities to citizens who are blind or visually impaired. The rehabilitation program for seniors includes home teaching, support groups, and SAIL (Seniors Achieving Independent Living). It also distributes white canes.
Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) 410-234-8200, Toll Free 1-877-874-2494, TDD 410-363-9430; http://dda.health.maryland.gov
The Arc Central Chesapeake Region 410-269- 1883 Annapolis, 410-770-9895 Easton, TTY 800-735-2258; www.thearcccr.org; Advocates for the rights and respect of all people with developmental disabilities. Programs include family support, employment training, community living, individual support, and fiscal management services.
HEAR NOW–Hearing Aid Bank Toll Free 800-328- 8602; www.starkeyhearingfoundation.
Maryland Accessible Telecommunications (MAT) 410-767-6960, Toll Free 800-552-7724 V/TTY, Video phone 443-453-5970; www.mdrelay.org moreinfo@mdrelay.org; MD Accessible Telecommunications distributes free amplified and captioned phones, ring signalers, TTYs, and other assistive devices to qualified applicants who have difficulty using a standard telephone.
MD State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 410-230-2424, Toll Free 800-964- 9209, TTY 410-333-8679, TTY 800-934-2541; https://www.marylandlibraries.org/Pages/Maryland-Library-for-the-Blind-and-Print-Disabled.aspx Provides comprehensive library services to eligible blind and physically handicapped. Books on audio cassette and in Braille are available. Must fill out an application. Services are free.
MD Technology Assistance Program Toll Free 800-832-4827, TTY 866-881-7488; www.mdtap.org; Helps MD residents with disabilities and their families qualify for low interest loans to buy equipment and make accessibility renovations. Also available, a demonstration lab where individuals can come to view and borrow technology. Visit Equipment Link Online Classified (www.myatprogram.org) to list or find donated equipment/devices. WorkABILITY Loan Program provides home-based and business loans for people with disabilities
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Maryland 410-715-9596, 410-602-9030 Senior Issues; www.nfbmd.org; A national consumer advocacy organization which provides public education about blindness, information and referral services, scholarships, literature and publications about blindness, aids and appliances and other adaptive equipment for the blind, advocacy services, protection of civil rights, development and evaluation of technology and support for blind persons and their families. Free electronic newspaper service. NFB-newsline: Toll Free 866-504-7300
2-1-1 Maryland 410-685-0525, Toll Free 800-492- 0618, TTY 410-685-2159; www.211md.org; United Way of Central Maryland provides free, confidential information and referral to health and human service agencies in MD 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in over 150 languages
Mental Health Association of Maryland 443-901- 1550; www.mhamd.org; Nonprofit citizens’ organi – zation that brings together consumers, families, and professionals by providing education and advocacy on behalf of individuals with mental illness.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill MD (NAMI) 410-884-8691, Toll Free 443 569-3498 Warm Line; www.namimd.org; info@namimd.org; Volunteer, grass-roots organization affiliated with the MD state and national NAMI organization. Provides information, assistance, support, advocacy and education for those dealing with mental illness and their caregivers. Support groups and free classes for both consumers and family and public education meetings are held frequently. Call or e-mail for times and spaces.
MD Dept. of Veterans Affairs 410-260-3838, Toll Free 800-446-4926; http://veterans.maryland.gov; Provides information, assistance, and representation to veterans and their dependents about rights and entitlements.