The Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council (Maryland SILC) is seeking a full-time Executive Director. The Executive Director will work with the Independent Living (IL) Network which includes the Council, Maryland’s seven Centers for Independent Living, and the Division of Rehabilitation Services in advancing the mission of furthering the independence and inclusion of Marylanders with disabilities in all areas of mainstream society.
To apply please email resume, cover letter, and three professional references to Melissa Blubaugh, SILC Chair, at by April 30, 2024. Please specify Executive Director Application in the subject line.
Executive Director, Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council (Maryland SILC)
Full-time position at 40 hours/week.
Must be a Maryland resident.
Salary commensurate with experience $65,000-$70,000 which includes benefits.
Reports To: Maryland SILC Chair and Executive Committee
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direction of the Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council (Maryland SILC) Chair and Executive Committee, the Executive Director is responsible for the administration, coordination, and/or execution of all Maryland SILC activities. This includes policy and program development, leadership and oversight of SILC legislative and advocacy efforts, membership recruitment, public relations as well as management of paidSILC staff, budget, and other priorities identified by the Maryland SILC Executive Committee.
General Management
- At the direction of the Maryland SILC Chair and Executive Committee, support and provide logistical oversight of all SILC meetings.
- Management of paid SILC staff with oversight from the Executive Committee.
- Prepare and submit timely reports, recommendations, and updates as scheduled or as requested.
- Maintain collaborative and cooperative relationships with other non-profits, state agencies, commissions, councils, etc.
- Ensure transparency and timely responses and communication with SILC Council members, key stakeholders, and the public.
- Ensure the development and documentation of all administrative policies and procedures with SILC approval.
- Maintain transparency and regular communication with all key partners and provide timely responses to internal and external communications.
- When necessary, perform administrative support such as capturing minutes, sending meeting notices, etc.
- With SILC approval, ensure elections occur on schedule and facilitate it timely appointments from the Governor’s Appointments Office.
Program Management
- Monitor and ensure compliance with grants, contracts, federal and state regulations, and Statewide Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) including the preparation of performance reports and the maintenance of appropriate records.
- Organize the development and implementation of the three-year Statewide Plan for Independent Living (SPIL).
- Develop a strategic plan that incorporates the goals and objectives based on the direction of the SILC.
- Develop, implement, and meet the annual timeline of required activities related to the SPIL.
- Prepare meeting agendas and materials for Council meetings and ensure timely delivery of these materials per SILC guidelines.
- Draft policies for the approval of the Council and review existing policies on an annual basis.
- Ensure the mission of the organization is reflected in all program planning, implementation, and evaluation.
- Demonstrate creativity, leadership, and initiative in carrying out assigned tasks.
- Research and promote program expansion through grant proposals from the government, foundations, and other private entities.
- Ensure that contracts, grants, and services accepted by the SILC contribute to the mission and reflect the priorities of the Council.
- Oversee the planning, implementation, execution, and evaluation of special projects.
- Identify the need for and coordinate all aspects of public meetings and related events addressing independent living.
- Ensure required documentation is current and accessible to the entire SILC membership per Chair/Executive Committee guidelines.
Human Resources Management
- Determine staffing needs for the organization and ensure appropriate service delivery.
- Subject to SILC approval, recruit, interview, and select staff that have the appropriate skills to help further the SILC’s mission.
- Ensure all staff receive appropriate training.
- Manage staff of the SILC so that each person contributes effectively to SILC’s mission and provides administrative support to SILC members as requested/needed.
- Develop and implement a performance process that includes monitoring staff on an ongoing basis and conducting annual performance reviews.
- Ensure timeliness, responsiveness, and accuracy of all task completion.
Finance and Resource Management
- Ensure that a comprehensive budget is prepared annually and provide detailed financial updates regularly to the Executive Committee for review and approval.
- Ensure sound bookkeeping and accounting procedures are followed.
- Serve as a Fiscal Agent and administer funds per grantor guidelines.
- Develop and maintain financial management systems, including but not limited to tracking, recording, and managing all revenue and expenses; reconciling bank statements; reimbursing Council members for travel and other allowable expenses associated with Council meetings and approved activities.
- Ensure documentation accuracy that funds are being used solely for SILC purposes.
Public Relations and Systems Advocacy
- Provide support and participation in community awareness, public education, systems advocacy, and outreach activities across a broad array of key stakeholders.
- Confer with state and federal legislators, Independent Living (IL) organizations, and other disability rights organizations to exchange information, interpret laws, regulations and policies, and build a common agenda.
- Maximize the cooperation, coordination, and working relationships among the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and other Independent Living organizations or disability rights entities.
- Develop and maintain appropriate communication and public relations tools and efforts including oversight of contractors responsible for the SILC website, social media presence, outreach materials, and publication of the SILC annual report.
- Develop and distribute information and educational materials.
- Work in conjunction with disability rights organizations to develop positions and strategies on key advocacy issues that impact consumers.
- Actively work to reach and engage organizations that represent a broad array of disability interests and needs with an emphasis on engaging historically under-represented communities including BIPOC with disabilities to ensure their needs and concerns are being advanced across all aspects of SILC and CIL work.
- Reflect and advance the key principles of independent living.
Executive Director Core Qualifications & Leadership Competencies
Leading Change
- Creativity & Innovation
- External Awareness
- Flexibility
- Resilience
- Strategic Thinking
- Vision
Leading People
- Conflict Management
- Leveraging Diversity
- Developing Others
- Team Building
Results Driven
- Accountability
- Customer Service
- Decisiveness
- Entrepreneurship
- Problem-Solving
- Technical Credibility
Business Acumen
- Financial Management
- Human Capital Management
- Technology Management
Building Coalitions
- Partnering
- Political Savvy
- Influencing/Negotiating