English Harper, Committee Member
English Harper has been a part of the disability community since 2013, when he himself acquired a spinal cord injury after a motor vehicle accident. He has humble beginnings, working as a Peer Mentor with University of Maryland Orthopedics and Rehab, where he has been able to connect with new patients and talk about his personal experiences, bring attention to new opportunities, and highlight what patients may come to expect as they adjust to their “new normal.” English realized he could potentially do more when a colleague reached out about an opening with a local Center for Independent Living, and he decided to take the plunge into working after acquiring a lifelong disability. English was given an opportunity to work with Accessible Resources for Independence, meeting with consumers in nursing facilities to talk about the possibilities of transitioning out with services and working with the local Maryland Access Point to provide information and referral services to consumers in Anne Arundel County. English now works with county government, continuing to provide information and referral services as well as short term case management to consumers and their families, and he has not forgotten where he came from and the communities he wishes to serve.