
Celebrating Jade Gingerich: A Champion for the Disability Community

Jade Gingerich holds a plaque next to Secretary Carol A. Beatty.

We are proud to acknowledge our esteemed Ex-Officio member, Ms. Jade Gingerich, for her exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment to the disability community. On September 9th, Jade was honored by the Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) for her remarkable 26 years of dedicated service to the state in this vital area.

Throughout her career, Jade has played a pivotal role, both prior to and since the establishment of the Department of Disabilities, advocating tirelessly for policies and initiatives that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities. Her efforts have been instrumental in improving students’ readiness for post-school outcomes, ensuring they have the support and resources necessary to thrive in their future endeavors.

Moreover, Jade has worked diligently to enhance access to employment opportunities for Marylanders with disabilities, championing initiatives that break down barriers and promote inclusivity in the workplace, such as the creation of the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) program, Maryland Medicaid Buy-In, and the elimination of subminimum wage.

We are also thrilled to announce that Jade’s hard work has recently been recognized with two significant federal grants. The first, a nearly $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Disability Innovation Fund, will support the development of a transition linkage tool to ensure students with disabilities exit school connected to essential post-school services. The second, totaling $4.5 million from the Social Security Administration (SSA), will focus on utilizing Medicaid data to connect potentially eligible children to Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both grants span five years, and it’s clear that Jade will have a busy and impactful few years ahead!

Jade’s commitment to fostering an equitable environment has made a significant impact on countless lives. We celebrate her not only for her accomplishments but also for her passion and dedication to empowering others. Her work continues to inspire us all, and we are grateful for her leadership in the disability community.

Thank you, Jade, for your outstanding service and commitment to creating a more inclusive Maryland.

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